2020 Rogers Scholar Emily Elam of Rowan County is preparing to deliver a home-cooked meal and donate protective face masks to night shift health care workers at St. Claire Hospital’s Intensive Care and Medical Surgical Unit.

Emily, a student at Rowan County Senior High School, prepared and served a spaghetti dinner to around 100 hospital employees.

Since the quarantine began in March, the hospital’s cafeteria has been closed at night and most restaurants have limited evening hours that do not correspond to the night shift workers’ schedule. Emily wanted to show her appreciation to St. Claire employees working on the front lines by serving them a hot meal and donating face masks.

During the last eight months, Emily has made and donated approximately 320 face masks to health care workers, her church, and school.

“I grew up in a family and church that served people in need that were going through hard times. Having the materials and supplies to make face masks and a meal for the night shift health care workers made me feel beyond blessed that I could show them they are appreciated for their dedication and hard work during these uncertain times.”

Each graduate of The Center for Rural Development’s Rogers Scholars program is required to complete a community service project. For more information about Rogers Scholars, visit www.centeryouthprograms.com.