Rogers Explorers at Eastern Kentucky University – Day Two

Rogers Explorers at Eastern Kentucky University – Day Two

We’ve finished the second day of our Rogers Explorers camp at Eastern Kentucky University! Our scholars began their day in their major courses: technology and chemistry. In their technology class, students learned about 3D printing. Wes Brown, a software...
Rogers Explorers at Eastern Kentucky University – Day One

Rogers Explorers at Eastern Kentucky University – Day One

Day one of our fourth Rogers Explorers camp of the summer! Ninth grade students are spending three days on the campus of the Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky. When the students arrived on campus this afternoon, they participated in a ropes course...
Rogers Explorers at University of the Cumberlands – Day Two

Rogers Explorers at University of the Cumberlands – Day Two

We’ve finished the second day of our Rogers Explorers camp at the University of the Cumberlands! Our scholars began their day by splitting into their major courses: astronomy, biology, and chemistry. In their astronomy class, students learned about the phases of...
Rogers Explorers at University of the Cumberlands – Day One

Rogers Explorers at University of the Cumberlands – Day One

Day one of our third Rogers Explorers camp of the summer! Ninth grade students are spending three days on the campus of the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky. When the students arrived on campus this afternoon, they were given a campus tour by...
Rogers Explorers at Lindsey Wilson College – Day Two

Rogers Explorers at Lindsey Wilson College – Day Two

We’ve finished the second day of our Rogers Explorers camp at Lindsey Wilson College! Our scholars began their day by splitting into their major courses: communication and biology. In their communication class, students learned about the importance of...